Friday, November 16, 2007

There's a new kid in town!

Kelore's "A Touch of Grace" a.k.a. Gracie

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I'm afraid...

I don't know what to do about something that happened on the Labour Day long weekend and I just need somewhere to express it.


My next door neighbour's family has experienced a run of bad luck. The main breadwinner was a colleague of mine here at the City. A really nice man. A couple of years ago he had a heart attack. He was ready to come back to work after recovering when they discovered his body was full of cancer. He passed away over a year and a half ago. It was so sad - he was a really nice man. He adored Honey - she used to go over and visit with him while I was at work, in the afternoons. He enjoyed her company.

So his wife was left picking up the pieces of their lives. They have two sons, both intellectually challenged. The older one is more functioning. I hate to say it but he has always given me the heebie-jeebies. He would stare at me, even go so far as to sit on his deck and watch me cut the grass. I'd see him peering in through my windows. And he seemed so full of anger at times. There were times I'd lock my doors, close my windows, turn off my lights and sit in the dark frightened by the vehemence of his anger.

The Fire

On the Friday night of the Labour Day weekend, I awoke to the sound of a ruckus outside. When I looked out my front window, I saw a crowd on the street - I thought it was a party. When I looked out the window over my kitchen sink, I saw flames in the living room of my neighbour's home. I calmly called 911 and was told they were on the way. I woke up the Boy, and Honey followed us outside.

I won't go into the details of what happened. There were Police, EMTs and eventually the Fire Department. The fire was out in relatively short time - thankfully my house was never in any danger. But it was scary. I pray I never come any closer than that to a house fire.


The son has now been charged and remanded for a psychiatric evaluation. And I am so sorry for my neighbour. But I'm scared for me and my family. What will the future bring? Will he come back once they replace the house. Will I ever feel as safe around him again? Will I ever be able to not worry about what he might do to his family.

Lord help us all. Please pray for resoultion for all of us, for the world to move forward and things to get better.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Can World's Strongest Dad, A Tribute

Imagine being this sort of parent. I feel very small and incredibly humble.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Training partners

I have often found amusing/annoying a little thing that BF says to me. When I lament hills or the wind on my cycling (or running) jaunts, he scolds me.

"The wind is your training partner!" he says.

And he is right. The wind works against us at times, but it also helps us out. It is a cruel and unusual wind indeed that doesn't help you for a portion of your ride. And the key is always to plan a ride based on where that wind will be coming from to maximize your energy and workout. And to a degree too, the wind is a mental challenge - it is harder on the old noggin to have the wind in your face - it just feels like you can't get anywhere.

This past Sunday the Dean of the Cathedral said something that really struck a chord. We've been talking about the Holy Spirit as we approach Pentecost and about the various forms the Holy Spirit takes in the Bible. A classic one is as a dove. There is also flame. And this week's discussion about what form taken was that of wind. At one point the Holy Spirit appeared as wind.

And it struck me that that makes it come full circle when I'm cycling. The Holy Spirit is with me. The Holy Spirit is my training partner. The Holy Spirit is with me as I work hard to improve my physical state of being. And by thinking of that challenge in a bit more of a spiritual sense, I can feel a sense of well-being that the Holy Spirit is helping me. And guiding me. And challenging me.

I guess I'd better not offer any more expletives when the wind is being particularly difficult on a ride or on a run!

Nice wind, helpful wind, nice helpful Holy Spirit. :)

Monday, May 14, 2007

Race photos

The starting line - waiting, waiting, waiting...

And we're off...see me smilling back at Sebastian?

I'm still smiling in the final loop...

After the finish.

Posing with my man and my dog.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Race Day!

So today was finally the day. I ran the 10 KM in the Fredericton Marathon.

53:26 (or somewhere thereabouts) - I have a bad memory for numbers.

It was a great race. I felt good running and probably could have done better but considering I was aiming for a sub-60 minute race, that's pretty f*cking amazing!

Now I am pooped. Took my Mum for Brunch at the Blue Canoe with Sebastian. I'm ready for a nap now!

Happy Mother's Day to all!

Monday, May 07, 2007

I'm falling...

I had a dumb accident on Saturday that has resulted in pain and suffering.

I have two little decks - to call them decks is doing them a huge service - they are really just steps to my door. On the back set I keep the barbecue.

I've noticed that this back deck is rotting a bit, one plank in particular was looking pretty dicey. I've been meaning to do something vague about it but haven't done anything.

Well the good news is I no longer have to ponder what to do about the plank - it's now gone.

The bad news is I fell through it Saturday afternoon. I'd been doing yard work etc and noticed I had forgotten to put the cover back on the BBQ the last time I used it. So I opened the backdoor and stepped out to cover it. I stepped squarely down on the plank and it gave way and I went straight down like a rock. I badly bruised and scraped (but no open cuts) the leg that went through and badly wrenched the leg that didn't.

I bruise like no tomorrow so it's going to be really attractive. I just hope I can still run the Marathon next weekend.


I received a letter in the mail on Friday telling me I was being awarded a great honour as a Scouting volunteer.

I've worked hard as a Cub Leader and Adult volunteer trainer over the past few years. I've been feeling a little burned out by the process lately and even questioning whether to stay giving so much at it.

This is a huge boost. I am touched and honoured.

Friday, May 04, 2007

A week of work, whining and wunning.

Crikey I feel like this has been a long week. Like mega-long. Like interminable.

Tuesday I presented to the Public Safety and Environment committee. It was a wellfield update. It went really well. Council likes me, the Mayor likes me. It's a great feeling to be doing your job well and to be appreciated for it.

Running is going well. I did a tempo run with Honey Tuesday that went well. Then last night I had a great run - I've really kicked up the pace. I think it is not unreasonable to plan for a sub 55 minute race. I was hoping for a sub-60. I am happy. And I plan to keep running and get my time down. Maybe sub-50 by the end of the summer.

We bought boy a Trek 7000 hybrid for his birthday. It will also be my commuter bike which is nice. It's a nice looking bike too.

Last night was an open house about the City's new proposed Water Treatment Plant. It went well - lots of people showed up.

And now it's Friday again. BF is coming over later. I am so ready for a quiet Friday night. After my speed work run though. I'm not looking forward to intervals. This weather SUCKS!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Oh my aching hams...

It's been a source of amusement to me for some time that BF has really tight hamstrings and I typically don't.

Or at least didn't.

I did a couple of runs this weekend. Saturday was my interval training - first kick at the can. I did 5.6 km with five 400 metre intervals at full out pace. I merely ran until I couldn't breathe anymore, jogged for two minutes and repeated for a total of five sets. I realized that I need to think about my form when I run fast. I tend to really increase my stride which isn't practical for long distances and it stretches previously ignored muscles. Like my hamstrings.

I realized this on Sunday when I went to do my 9 km run. For the first time my hamstrings were tight. But not as tight as they were by the end and by last evening, they were even tighter.

I am now suitably humbled.

Friday, April 27, 2007

A week of things

It was merely a typical week. A nice week though after a delightful weekend of passing time with BF. I think I like it best when we have a bunch of fun little things to do together and we hang out and have fun just being. It's so refreshing.

On the work side, I managed to overcome a situation with a difficult cow-orker who for some reason unknown to me decided to make my life as difficult as possible. I fixed their clock though - circumvented them and now get what I require when I require it instead of stressing over things. I wish I knew why people change or at least what happened to change what was once a good friendship. Oh well - my life is too damn busy to waste on petty people and too damn short to let myself get worked up over BS.

Tuesday I ran with our group. It was wicked windy, brutally so. And my running buddy was one of my wickedly fast cow-orkers who motivates me to run faster (which is good) but since I am a tad on the competitive side, it can result in doing too much. In any case it was a challenging run ("imagine yourself as an arrow splitting through the wind" - I imagined myself walking instead of running!) and wild running across the Westmorland St. Bridge - I learned the term "Four-laner" which means that when you spit it crosses all four lanes of traffic - it was "only" a three-laner Tuesday.

My calf was then bawling and really sore constantly. And continued to grumble loudly through Wednesday so I didn't run (I did take Honey for a walk up our wooded trail near the house). It griped when I did my standard loop yesterday but feels better this morning. I've been stretching frequently.

ASAP I will be doing some interval training. I've never done it - I think it will be challenging...

Boy comes back tonight and we are going with my Mum to Asia Beef Noodle for supper - yum. It's supposed to rain today but then showers over the weekend. I hope it doesn't rain too hard.

And then BF, Boy & I will watch a movie Saturday night. A Night at the Museum. I hope it is as funny as it could be.


Monday, April 23, 2007

Long run

I did a 12 km run yesterday. It was *long*. I did it in about 1:15 - it felt like forever at times.

I was stiff and sore after. Stretched quite a few times.

BF & I went to the staff family fun skate at the new arena complex. I am so not a skater and BF is a hockey player and has skated since he was five or so. We had fun but boy oh boy did my ankles hurt!

It is a really nice facility.

BF gave me a lovely massage last night and was very complimentary of my calf muscles (he is a total calf man).

He rode yesterday with OSB and had me in stitches describing the rider they call "Quadzilla" who has quads three times the size of BF's.

I hope to start biking soon but also need to concentrate on getting ready for my 10 km inthe Marathon in 3 weeks!

Friday, April 20, 2007

My route for the Fredericton Marathon 10 km

I can't get it to embed in my blog but here is a link.


I've been feeling sad & angry after what happened at Virginia Tech. Such a tragic loss.

And I'm pretty proud of our gun laws, as long as our Federal Government doesn't do something stupid to change them.

Don't get me wrong. I support hunters and people who use weapons legitimately but they are meant to kill and we need to do what we can to stop them from killing people.

And then I read this. And I figure I don't have to say anything more on the topic of gun control.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

More running blah blah

So to update on my running - last night I ran about 4.8 km in29:30. That includes three wicked uphill treks and one lovely long downhill stride.

Today I ran 3.6 km in 19 minutes, met a friend I hadn't seen in ages so we caught up. Then completed my run but my watch went wonky on me so I think the total run was 6.12 km in about 35 minutes.

It was warmer today but still really windy. It was a treat to get out when it wasn't freezing! I was over-dressed for a change too!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Lock up your daughters...

The boy decided he wanted a haircut.

Look what he went for, on his own. He sure looks handsome!

Wonderful birthdays

I meant to post about BF's birthday which was this past weekend. Last year he was flat on his back in agony so we didn't really celebrate. This year we had a nice dinner at my place and then I had set up with our friends JY & A that we would have a party there. I decorated and bought munchies & stuff. And a cake of course. We had a really nice time. Boy was with us too and even he enjoyed himself.

I had bought BF a rather expensive Christmas present and so had told him it was a combination Christmas/birthday gift. Of course he was holding me to that but equally of course I felt that I wanted to buy him something. So we compromised and shared the cost of a Discovery cycling jersey that he got for half price. And Honey bought him the matching socks. And we got him some Hershey's kisses. And some maple syrup.

I think he was really touched.

Sunday we went to his parent's place for a big supper. I was pooped after my 9 km run and BF was beat after a 60 km ride. It's still too darn cold for me to bike!

BF was heard to say he really had a nice birthday. It is truly heartwarming to contribute to such happiness in his life.

Time flies where you are working too hard!

For the first time in my life I am truly incredibly stupidly busy. I don't have time at work to respond to emails (what's with that?). I've let all all sorts of things slide. It is truly bizarre. And don't get me wrong - I like being busy but I like being a slug too! Oh well - the City's getting their money's worth these days!

And what about running you ask?

When we last saw our not-so-intrepid blogger, I was getting back up to speed or at least trying to get somewhere close. Good Friday, April 6, Honey & I ran to BF's. That worked out to be about 7.1 km and we did it in 42 minutes. I was quite pleased with that. I did another 7 km run that same Sunday, same basic time. And ran with the group that Tuesday. I ran again Thursday last week and then this past Sunday Honey & I did 9 km in about 54 minutes. I was really pleased with that!

Now the weather here has been horrible - snow, freezing rain, ice pellets, rain and really strong winds. So I didn't get out Tuesday with the group. I didn't go out last night because I was afraid of falling on the slippery roads. I did a run tonight - lots of hill work since I live on a brutal hill. I'll check the distance on the GIS at work tomorrow.

It's just too bad that work is interfering with my running! :)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Running update

Well it's five weeks now until the Fredericton Marathon. I've been out running a grand total of five times.

The inaugural run (March 20) was fine until the day or two after! I was in a fair bit of pain, mainly in my quads. It was too much (6.2 km) too soon after a winter of nothing. Lesson learned.

My next attempt was early on March 24. I hadn't eaten breakfast and I was still pretty stiff. Honey & I went out and it was not so much a run as a plod. I think we went about 5 km but it wasn't running. Helped stretch out though.

My next group run (March 27) was better. I went a little fast to begin with and felt pretty good overall. Cut my time back a little. My calves were really wingey after that run.

I then had another run March 30 with a cow-orker. I was hungry so I ate an apple before we left. That was a mistake. But overall it was a good run - much faster than previous with a couple of walking breaks and we had cut a lot of time off. Still some small calf grumbles.

I missed this week's Tuesday run but went out by myself yesterday. It felt pretty darn good. I know I was faster and didn't need any breaks (want is different from need!)

I plan to get out at least a couple of times this long weekend. Today's weather sucks though - it's snowing! What's with that!!

Hopefully I can pull a decent time for the 10km on May 13.