Monday, May 07, 2007

I'm falling...

I had a dumb accident on Saturday that has resulted in pain and suffering.

I have two little decks - to call them decks is doing them a huge service - they are really just steps to my door. On the back set I keep the barbecue.

I've noticed that this back deck is rotting a bit, one plank in particular was looking pretty dicey. I've been meaning to do something vague about it but haven't done anything.

Well the good news is I no longer have to ponder what to do about the plank - it's now gone.

The bad news is I fell through it Saturday afternoon. I'd been doing yard work etc and noticed I had forgotten to put the cover back on the BBQ the last time I used it. So I opened the backdoor and stepped out to cover it. I stepped squarely down on the plank and it gave way and I went straight down like a rock. I badly bruised and scraped (but no open cuts) the leg that went through and badly wrenched the leg that didn't.

I bruise like no tomorrow so it's going to be really attractive. I just hope I can still run the Marathon next weekend.

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