Monday, April 30, 2007

Oh my aching hams...

It's been a source of amusement to me for some time that BF has really tight hamstrings and I typically don't.

Or at least didn't.

I did a couple of runs this weekend. Saturday was my interval training - first kick at the can. I did 5.6 km with five 400 metre intervals at full out pace. I merely ran until I couldn't breathe anymore, jogged for two minutes and repeated for a total of five sets. I realized that I need to think about my form when I run fast. I tend to really increase my stride which isn't practical for long distances and it stretches previously ignored muscles. Like my hamstrings.

I realized this on Sunday when I went to do my 9 km run. For the first time my hamstrings were tight. But not as tight as they were by the end and by last evening, they were even tighter.

I am now suitably humbled.

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