Monday, April 30, 2007

Oh my aching hams...

It's been a source of amusement to me for some time that BF has really tight hamstrings and I typically don't.

Or at least didn't.

I did a couple of runs this weekend. Saturday was my interval training - first kick at the can. I did 5.6 km with five 400 metre intervals at full out pace. I merely ran until I couldn't breathe anymore, jogged for two minutes and repeated for a total of five sets. I realized that I need to think about my form when I run fast. I tend to really increase my stride which isn't practical for long distances and it stretches previously ignored muscles. Like my hamstrings.

I realized this on Sunday when I went to do my 9 km run. For the first time my hamstrings were tight. But not as tight as they were by the end and by last evening, they were even tighter.

I am now suitably humbled.

Friday, April 27, 2007

A week of things

It was merely a typical week. A nice week though after a delightful weekend of passing time with BF. I think I like it best when we have a bunch of fun little things to do together and we hang out and have fun just being. It's so refreshing.

On the work side, I managed to overcome a situation with a difficult cow-orker who for some reason unknown to me decided to make my life as difficult as possible. I fixed their clock though - circumvented them and now get what I require when I require it instead of stressing over things. I wish I knew why people change or at least what happened to change what was once a good friendship. Oh well - my life is too damn busy to waste on petty people and too damn short to let myself get worked up over BS.

Tuesday I ran with our group. It was wicked windy, brutally so. And my running buddy was one of my wickedly fast cow-orkers who motivates me to run faster (which is good) but since I am a tad on the competitive side, it can result in doing too much. In any case it was a challenging run ("imagine yourself as an arrow splitting through the wind" - I imagined myself walking instead of running!) and wild running across the Westmorland St. Bridge - I learned the term "Four-laner" which means that when you spit it crosses all four lanes of traffic - it was "only" a three-laner Tuesday.

My calf was then bawling and really sore constantly. And continued to grumble loudly through Wednesday so I didn't run (I did take Honey for a walk up our wooded trail near the house). It griped when I did my standard loop yesterday but feels better this morning. I've been stretching frequently.

ASAP I will be doing some interval training. I've never done it - I think it will be challenging...

Boy comes back tonight and we are going with my Mum to Asia Beef Noodle for supper - yum. It's supposed to rain today but then showers over the weekend. I hope it doesn't rain too hard.

And then BF, Boy & I will watch a movie Saturday night. A Night at the Museum. I hope it is as funny as it could be.


Monday, April 23, 2007

Long run

I did a 12 km run yesterday. It was *long*. I did it in about 1:15 - it felt like forever at times.

I was stiff and sore after. Stretched quite a few times.

BF & I went to the staff family fun skate at the new arena complex. I am so not a skater and BF is a hockey player and has skated since he was five or so. We had fun but boy oh boy did my ankles hurt!

It is a really nice facility.

BF gave me a lovely massage last night and was very complimentary of my calf muscles (he is a total calf man).

He rode yesterday with OSB and had me in stitches describing the rider they call "Quadzilla" who has quads three times the size of BF's.

I hope to start biking soon but also need to concentrate on getting ready for my 10 km inthe Marathon in 3 weeks!

Friday, April 20, 2007

My route for the Fredericton Marathon 10 km

I can't get it to embed in my blog but here is a link.


I've been feeling sad & angry after what happened at Virginia Tech. Such a tragic loss.

And I'm pretty proud of our gun laws, as long as our Federal Government doesn't do something stupid to change them.

Don't get me wrong. I support hunters and people who use weapons legitimately but they are meant to kill and we need to do what we can to stop them from killing people.

And then I read this. And I figure I don't have to say anything more on the topic of gun control.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

More running blah blah

So to update on my running - last night I ran about 4.8 km in29:30. That includes three wicked uphill treks and one lovely long downhill stride.

Today I ran 3.6 km in 19 minutes, met a friend I hadn't seen in ages so we caught up. Then completed my run but my watch went wonky on me so I think the total run was 6.12 km in about 35 minutes.

It was warmer today but still really windy. It was a treat to get out when it wasn't freezing! I was over-dressed for a change too!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Lock up your daughters...

The boy decided he wanted a haircut.

Look what he went for, on his own. He sure looks handsome!

Wonderful birthdays

I meant to post about BF's birthday which was this past weekend. Last year he was flat on his back in agony so we didn't really celebrate. This year we had a nice dinner at my place and then I had set up with our friends JY & A that we would have a party there. I decorated and bought munchies & stuff. And a cake of course. We had a really nice time. Boy was with us too and even he enjoyed himself.

I had bought BF a rather expensive Christmas present and so had told him it was a combination Christmas/birthday gift. Of course he was holding me to that but equally of course I felt that I wanted to buy him something. So we compromised and shared the cost of a Discovery cycling jersey that he got for half price. And Honey bought him the matching socks. And we got him some Hershey's kisses. And some maple syrup.

I think he was really touched.

Sunday we went to his parent's place for a big supper. I was pooped after my 9 km run and BF was beat after a 60 km ride. It's still too darn cold for me to bike!

BF was heard to say he really had a nice birthday. It is truly heartwarming to contribute to such happiness in his life.

Time flies where you are working too hard!

For the first time in my life I am truly incredibly stupidly busy. I don't have time at work to respond to emails (what's with that?). I've let all all sorts of things slide. It is truly bizarre. And don't get me wrong - I like being busy but I like being a slug too! Oh well - the City's getting their money's worth these days!

And what about running you ask?

When we last saw our not-so-intrepid blogger, I was getting back up to speed or at least trying to get somewhere close. Good Friday, April 6, Honey & I ran to BF's. That worked out to be about 7.1 km and we did it in 42 minutes. I was quite pleased with that. I did another 7 km run that same Sunday, same basic time. And ran with the group that Tuesday. I ran again Thursday last week and then this past Sunday Honey & I did 9 km in about 54 minutes. I was really pleased with that!

Now the weather here has been horrible - snow, freezing rain, ice pellets, rain and really strong winds. So I didn't get out Tuesday with the group. I didn't go out last night because I was afraid of falling on the slippery roads. I did a run tonight - lots of hill work since I live on a brutal hill. I'll check the distance on the GIS at work tomorrow.

It's just too bad that work is interfering with my running! :)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Running update

Well it's five weeks now until the Fredericton Marathon. I've been out running a grand total of five times.

The inaugural run (March 20) was fine until the day or two after! I was in a fair bit of pain, mainly in my quads. It was too much (6.2 km) too soon after a winter of nothing. Lesson learned.

My next attempt was early on March 24. I hadn't eaten breakfast and I was still pretty stiff. Honey & I went out and it was not so much a run as a plod. I think we went about 5 km but it wasn't running. Helped stretch out though.

My next group run (March 27) was better. I went a little fast to begin with and felt pretty good overall. Cut my time back a little. My calves were really wingey after that run.

I then had another run March 30 with a cow-orker. I was hungry so I ate an apple before we left. That was a mistake. But overall it was a good run - much faster than previous with a couple of walking breaks and we had cut a lot of time off. Still some small calf grumbles.

I missed this week's Tuesday run but went out by myself yesterday. It felt pretty darn good. I know I was faster and didn't need any breaks (want is different from need!)

I plan to get out at least a couple of times this long weekend. Today's weather sucks though - it's snowing! What's with that!!

Hopefully I can pull a decent time for the 10km on May 13.