Tuesday, January 30, 2007

too busy but not enough of the right sorts of things

You know how that is? You find your schedule full and you don't seem to have any time to do anything but somehow you aren't doing the sorts of things you want to be doing. It's sort of tough for me as an "every other week single parent". But some of the boy's activities carry over week to week regardless. And my ex although pretty decent as exes go, isn't always as supportive of certain things as he might be (he probably says the same about me though...)

So our crazy schedule runs something like this:

Monday - Cubs (I'm a Leader)
Tuesday - Scouts (Boy) and sometimes I have to go to a meeting as a parent
Wednesday - Boy has curling after school. The evening is free.
Thursday - choir Boy after school, me from 7:30 to 9:30
Friday - recovery
Saturday - scurry about getting stuff done
Sunday - church AM, Curling PM

Now this week I've added a UNB/STU game Wednesday evening with BF which is wonderful. Tonight I have a meeting at the church for Boy's Canada Jamboree this summer for Scouts. Thursday I'm going to supper with my dear friend who is struggling with being unemployed. Friday through the weekend is the Simms Home Hardware 17 & Under Curling bonspiel for the boy but I also have Cub Camp. I can't be in both places so I will miss his bonspiel and unfortunately he also misses Scout camp.

Did I mention Boy also has school choir and Senior Band? (7:30 AM practices Wednesday!)

Sunday is the Superbowl and I am hoping that BF will come over for supper (or better yet to *make* supper) and we can watch together. I'm cheering for the Colts. I have no real reason why other than it seemed like just about every NFL game I watched this past season they were in for some reason. I like their coach.

Looks like next weekend though there will be a spinning ladies spa overnighter in Mactaquac. I can sure live with that.

Calgon take me away.

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