Friday, August 22, 2008

oh fer f*cks sake!

So I'm looking forward to cashing a big fat cheque today with the proceeds of four year's of living in a mini home that sold for more than I bought it for (as it should!). I'm burbling along, pondering what accounts what money is going in, how I"ll finally pay off my line of credit. How I'm about to start a new life as a fiscally prudent partner to an uber-prudent man.

And then the phone call comes...

Buddy's financing didn't come through! Today? WTF?

So now he's got to try to get financing at another bank and I have to hang for another week or so! This is so f*cking unfair I can't believe it. Nothing, not one little f*cking part of selling and buying a new house has been easy! It's like it's been cursed for some reason.

I want to crawl into a little hole and drink and curl up and cry. It's just all wrong.

Alas no option to wallow in self pity. I get to drive out to my friend's place and play nice with a house full of field triallers(people who run dogs in field trials). At least they all drink!

I may not have the option to hole up alone but at least I can drink!


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