Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Things to carry you through...

I finally got off my fat #ss and got out for some exercise today. I went running with a group here at the City who will be completing some version of the Fredericton Marathon this Mother's Day. I'm planning on running the 10 km.

I haven't done anything since last December. I'm a slug and have gained about ten pounds over the winter.

But I bought myself the very cool sushi hat you see above and a new shirt for running and ran 6.2 km today.

I hurt.

I will hurt more later.

I will hurt even more tomorrow.

But I am back on the road to fitness!


Monday, March 19, 2007

Life stuff

It's been ages since I posted. I've been really struggling with life things. Much pain from neck & shoulder crap. I am mostly on the mend but still struggling.

Problems in the Boy's life are also of great concern. I am quite worried for him.

And BF has been sick and grumpy for what seems like forever but he is coming out of it too. It's been tough to have this juxtaposition of gloom.

I just want days of sunshine and warmth and to get out on my bike and start running again. I guess I just want my life back.

If anyone sees it, please tuck into into and envelope and send it along.

Monday, March 05, 2007