Honey loves the camp and this picture says it all!
It's been a busy week. The boy went to St. Andrews on Tuesday with his friend. Mum worked but then took advantage of absent boy to bike with the Freewheelers - 50 km Burton loop. It was a fabulous evening and a great ride.
Wednesday evening was not great for Honey. Mum was at a Harvest Jazz & Blues http://www.harvestjazzandblues.com/index.php bar services meeting so Honey didn't get out for a good walk and the boy was at his dad's. We did have a good Kong throwing session as the sun was setting though.
Tonight will be another meeting for mum - this time for Rivorton Scouts http://www.scoutsrivorton.com/index.php as Mum is on the Marketing committee. The boy will be home though.