Monday, November 26, 2012

So Long & Thanks for All The Ducks...

It is a curious thing is grief. We think we've got a handle on it, we think we know when it is appropriate and when it is not. We think we can control it. And yet grief does not respect our thoughts & wishes. Grief makes its way on its own terms. Grief follows its own path. Grief is its own master and we can only follow along the way. How does one know whether one grieves too long or too much? How does one tell whether it is inappropriate or melodramatic? Who is to say?

Another curious thing about grief is that it is entirely personal. One can't understand the grief someone else feels in a given scenario. One can't judge it nor should they. For it is indeed a bit of a solitary journey. And it is something that simply must be worked through.

Five short days ago my life was as it had always been. I had no warning. A sudden debilitating illness took my best friend, my companion, my soulmate. I had premonitions that her time would end soon, back in September. I didn't dwell upon it - one doesn't I suppose. I simply had the odd moment where I wanted to be sure I was ready. And that I would be ready to say goodbye.

Nothing could have been farther from the reality that hit on Friday. I wasn't ready. I would never have been ready. I could not possibly have been prepared for the gut-wrenching loss of my dear Honey. It was as if my soul had been torn asunder and I lay bleeding, gutted and in despair.

Now to some people, this is a massive over-reaction. To some my sense of loss is excessive. But those people do not understand. For as surely as she was "only a dog", she was also a very special dog. The sort of dog that blesses the lives of very few people. She had great empathy, a huge heart, feelings that were easily hurt. She had a soul. Indeed to those who doubt, you could not possibly deny that a living, breathing creature such as the likes of Honey had a true soul. To look into the depths of her eyes, to know how well and truly she loved; oh yes she had a soul. She had a soul indeed.

She brought great joy into my life. She came to me as a companion when I needed one most. She helped me through all sorts of life's journeys. She listened to my tears and shared my laughter. And she gave me untold joys, in great & small ways. Her love of life, her joie de vivre, was unequalled. She never did anything by half our Honey. And she never gave up.

Maybe because I've been afraid to love, I loved her best. Maybe because I knew she would not betray me, I loved her best. Maybe because she loved me back as much, I loved her best.

And when she knew her time was up, she didn't fight or drag me through untold days of uncertainty and sorrow. She didn't force me to make tough decisions and have to ponder choices. She didn't waste away into a mere shell of what she had always been.

So forgive me for dwelling. Forgive me for wallowing. Forgive me for taking a bit too long perhaps to get over a mere dog. For she was all that I ever wanted to be myself. I can only hope that one day I will be half the person I was in her mind, in her eyes. And perhaps find someone else who will love me half as well as she always did.

She left a piece of herself inside me and I will never forget her.

I will see her again, of that I am certain. For it seems impossible that there could be a place called heaven where she will not be waiting for me. For when a spirit joins with another as ours were joined, it is impossible that we will not spend an eternity together when my time comes as well. And she was always patient - she will wait however long it takes.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Time keeps on slippin' slippin' slippin' into the future...

Sigh - no blog posts for ages.

But my favourite time of year is coming and who better to celebrate it than Honey & Gracie!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I'm all moved in!

Exhausted but mostly unpacked and now putting finishing touches on things. Hanging pictures, arranging dust collectors, etc.

I'm so glad. It's such a lovely house.

And it's home. A real home. I've missed that. I guess the mini-home never did feel as much like home as this does.

Sigh....such sweet relief.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Green dog knees

Gracie is such a little kid!

Yesterday I threw the squeaky ball for her & Honey. Actually I had two balls to throw so I alternated and it worked quite well. They ran until they were pantingly exhausted. They are so cute!

Later I was sitting out on one of the sun shelters and Gracie came over. Her knees and feet were totally green from running so hard and having to put the brakes on. I was reminded of a little kid - she has so much joy & enthusiasm.

I'm so looking forward to the long weekend. It's seems like this has been the longest week of my life!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Waiting for the 2nd

I think I may have mentioned in previous postings that patience is not my long suit. I'm not so good at patience at all.

I want it to be September 2 today! I want to sleep in my new home. I want to start the long hard slog up out of stress-related illness and start feeling better.

I want to wake up in the morning without a headache or churning gut. I want to feel rested even after a series of good nights' sleeps - this just isn't happening right now.

I'm so lucky to have a wonderful place to stay - that keeps me sane. My friend's D&D have a great set up for dogs and I am so lucky that the girls are happy and safe all day. I bathed both of them last night (and Shiraz).

I miss Mitch too....

Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Dance!

The cheque has been deposited, the mini-home is sold!

I am actually for the first time in many many years, technically in the black. If I paid off my car loan, I would have no debt until September 2 when our new place closes.

Of course I'm not going to pay my car loan off because it was a good rate and we will have other chunks of money to be sucked out as moving expenses but it's kind of cool to know that for one short week I have a completetly positive balance sheet!

I celebrated with this:

My pal D brought it home from Cabela's for me.
I got some bumpers for the dogs too. (bumpers are training aids for retrievers)

Friday, August 22, 2008

oh fer f*cks sake!

So I'm looking forward to cashing a big fat cheque today with the proceeds of four year's of living in a mini home that sold for more than I bought it for (as it should!). I'm burbling along, pondering what accounts what money is going in, how I"ll finally pay off my line of credit. How I'm about to start a new life as a fiscally prudent partner to an uber-prudent man.

And then the phone call comes...

Buddy's financing didn't come through! Today? WTF?

So now he's got to try to get financing at another bank and I have to hang for another week or so! This is so f*cking unfair I can't believe it. Nothing, not one little f*cking part of selling and buying a new house has been easy! It's like it's been cursed for some reason.

I want to crawl into a little hole and drink and curl up and cry. It's just all wrong.

Alas no option to wallow in self pity. I get to drive out to my friend's place and play nice with a house full of field triallers(people who run dogs in field trials). At least they all drink!

I may not have the option to hole up alone but at least I can drink!
